2003 - Shirley Jimerson of Tetlin - part of a presentation on cross-cultural communication
2002 - Round-The-World-Man Creation story told by Laura Sanford, Tanacross elder. This is a condensed version of a creation story which would traditionally be told over the course of several nights
March 2012 - Tanacross Finally - Episode of Heartbeat Alaska filmed in Tanacross for a traditional potlatch of loved ones of Jerry Isaac, with interviews of Tanacross residents
2012 - Vanishing Culture documentary overview - featuring Tetlin Chief Danny Adams, Tanacross elder Kenny Thomas, Sr.
July 2012 - The Blind Man and the Loon, told by Tanacross elder Kenny Thomas, Sr.
March 2013 - Honoring Tanacross elder Kenny Thomas, Sr.
March 2013 - Tanacross Dancers at David Salmon Hall during Fairbanks Native Association's Annual Potlatch
June 2013 - Mentasta elder Katie John Potlatch
October 2014 - Tanacross, AK Potlatch dance for elder Emma Northway
Part 2 Potlatch for Emma Northway - traditional "waiting to eat" singing and dancing
March 2015 - Trailer for a Centennial History of the Tanana Chiefs Conference
September 2015 - Language, Culture & the Environment: Waterways in Alaska's Upper Tanana